The newly re-located Cross Keys is a British Pub in the heart of Cusco. Modern comfortable decorations make this pub attractive to the eye, and a place to spend an afternoon relaxing. The menu is traditionally British, and the quality of the food is good.


Calle Triunfo 350, Second Floor, Cusco
Tel: (84) 229 227


Take the road that leads up the right hand side of the Cathedral called Calle Triunfo. The Cross Keys is located about half way up on the right hand side. If you get to a small plaza you have gone to far. The restaurant is located on the second floor with the entrance inside a small alleyway. Lookout for the British red telephone box on the ground floor (inside).

Price Range

20 – 30 Soles (US$8 – 11) per plate.

Our Verdict

A recent change in chef’s has brought about a new menu which is tasty and hearty. Prices are a little on the high side, but the quality of the food is good.