January 7, 2019Travelling from Cusco by Bus: 2021 updated information about Bus Safety, The Best Bus Companies to take and their schedules.
Find out all the information you need to know about travelling by bus from Cusco including routes, best bus companies and much more with this helpful guide.
Buses going from Cusco travel in all directions in Peru and even to Bolivia. In Peru, the main routes of buses from Cusco go to Lima, Arequipa and Huacachina. To Bolivia, the main routes from Cusco are to Puno (the gateway to Bolivia) and to La Paz.

Below is a list of the main bus routes going from Cusco along with their schedules. If you’re looking for any more information about a specific route, click on the ‘more details’ button where you will find specific information about the route, the best bus companies and what to look out for when choosing a bus company to travel with.
From | To | Duration | Best Bus Comapnie | More Information |
Cusco | Lima | 23 hours | Peru Hop, Cruz del Sur | Cusco to Lima |
Cusco | Paracas | 20 hours | Transzela, Peru Hop | Cusco to Paracas |
Cusco | Huacachina | 19 hours | Peru Hop (Only Company) | Cusco to Huacachina |
Cusco | Ica | 19 hours | Cruz del Sur, Civa | Cusco to Ica |
Cusco | Nazca | 17 hours | Tepsa, Peru Hop | Cusco to Nazca |
Cusco | Arequipa | 10 hours | Cruz del Sur, Peru Hop | Cusco to Arequipa |
Cusco | Puno | 8 hours | Peru Hop, Inka Express | Cusco to Puno |
Cusco | La Paz | 16 hours | Peru Hop, Trans- Salvador | Cusco to La Paz |
As mentioned above, buses that leave from Cusco travel in all directions. For any trip to Peru, it is highly recommended that you visit places like Huacachina Oasis, Paracas and Arequipa (home of the Colca Canyon). There is much more to Peru than Machu Picchu, so bus travel is a great way to get around and see this amazing country.
Simply choose the best bus company and enjoy this amazing country!

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