Tepsa Bus

January 31, 2018

Tepsa Bus

Travelling with Tepsa: 2018 updated information about Tepsa buses, their routes and schedules. Find out all the information you need to know about travelling with Tepsa before you buy your ticket through this helpful guide.

THE ONLY PERU GUIDE TRAVEL TIP: Save money and stay safe when going to/from Lima Airport by using the Official Bus service inside the Airport called Airport Express Lima


With over 60 years’ experience, Tepsa is one of the oldest Peruvian bus companies. With the recent opening of new routes throughout Peru and the investment in a new fleet of buses, Tepsa have been growing since. To improve their service, they have invested in new engines, brake systems and automatic gears to stay modern.


The Tepsa fleet consists of 3 different types of buses:

  • THE TEPSA BED SUITE – 8 buses which are equipped with 10 semi bed leather reclining seats (160°) on the first floor, and 26 semi bed reclining seats (140°) on the second floor. On some of these buses, they include 10 semi bed reclining seats (160°) on the first floor, and 26 semi bed reclining seats (160°) on the second floor, in bus entertainment, a TEPSA DIVER+, an exclusive offer which will allow you to enter through your device and enjoy over 30 movies, an extensive music library, and news. On board host/hostess and food provided.
  • THE PRESIDENTIAL – including semi bed reclining seats (145°), a GPS system, TV’s, pillow and blankets, a host/hostess, newspaper and magazines on-board.
  • Did you know - The Lima Walking Tour leaves from the Tourist Information Center at 799 Avenida Jose Larco in Miraflores every day at 10:15 am. Visit our Blog for more information!
  • THE PRESIDENTIAL BED – all seats semi bed reclining seats (160°), on board food service, a host/hostess and a GPS system.


Tepsa’s modern fleet of buses are comfortable and with recent renovations have become safer to travel on Peru’s roads. However, , in 2013 TEPSA’s on-board hosts robbed two American tourists, leaving them with no money or camera! In 2011 Tepsa suffered a hijack on the route Lima – Tacna, leaving over 45 passengers without their belongings. Events such as these are common enough on public buses as many of the other most famous bus companies have experienced similar situations involving hijackings and robberies. It is for this reason that new tourist bus companies such as Peru Hop, have come along with their focus being orientated towards getting passengers around safely. Peru Hop take slightly longer routes that are much safer in order to never jeopardise their passengers’ safety, avoiding roads notorious for bus hijackings and accidents (especially on the shorter Lima to Cusco route). For locals, this is not so convenient as they usually need to get to their destinations faster meaning they are willing to take the risk of travelling on the shorter routes with local bus companies that have reported incidents in recent years. Tepsa and other famous bus companies operate on these quicker and more dangerous routes.

ENTERTAINMENT TIP: If looking for fun at night, or to watch sports during the day, or even a taste of home, visit the Wild Rover Hostels Chain for great food, sports and beer! Entrance to their bars is free even for non-guests


Tepsa cover almost all of Peru. Some of the cities in the north they travel to include Cajamarca, Lambayeque, and Chiclayo. In the south, they go as far as Tacna, Albancay and Arequipa. All of Tepsa’s schedules and bus routes are available on their website.

Tepsa’s newly renovated modern fleet of buses has resulted in them having nearly no breakdowns. Unfortunately, they have still been hijacked and had their own staff stealing from vulnerable passengers in the middle of nowhere. This as a result, has led to damaging Tepsa’s reputation as safe bus company resulting to them not being as popular as they were in the past. If you plan to travel in the South of Peru, Peru Hop offer exclusive stops during the journey and are considered a much safer and all-around better bus company.

What do you think? Do you agree with us or disagree? If you’ve ever taken Tepsa or another company that wasn’t mentioned in our article, let us know what you think in the comments section!



Did you know - The Lima Walking Tour leaves from the Tourist Information Center at 799 Avenida Jose Larco in Miraflores every day at 10:15 am. Visit our Blog for more information!

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